Wine, Dine & Shine Altesino Montalcino Dinner at Locanda nel Loggiato

Posted by on May 25, 2013 in Wine Events | 0 comments

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It was a beautiful Tuscan evening and perfect for tasting Altesino Brunello outside in Piazza Repubblica in front of the Molesini Wine Shop.

The line up for the free tasting was pretty impressive.

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We began with a taste of the Rosso di Montalcino Altesino 2011 DOCG, pretty impressive for “just” a Rosso.  They use the same grapes as are used for the Brunello, they just come from younger vines and are aged for less time.

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The Altesino staff was very informative and helpful, describing every wine and vinification in detail.  There were even a couple of special surprises, a small taste of 1998 and 2004, Brunellos.  The 1998 had already reached its potential a few years ago but was still tasting pretty good.  The 2004 was absolutely perfect.  Velvety, soft but still with enough roughness to give it a little bit of an edge, divine!

As 8:00 p.m. rolled around we made our way to Locanda nel Loggiato, which sits on an outside terrace that overlooks Piazza Repubblica.

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A tasting of their white wine was served.

Bianco di Altesino 2012 IGT Toscana – A blend of Chardonnay, Viognier and Vermentino done in stainless steel.  A really, really nice white, light, very dry, only slightly fruity and slightly herbaceous.  Served with tasters of Italian tomato/bread soup, panzanella, and toasted bread with paté.

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It was such a lovely evening, after the seeming threat of rain (yet again!) everyone lingered and enjoyed the outside.

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Once inside the winery was introduced and as the second set of appetizers were being served, we learned a bit more information about Altesino.

Located on the North side of Montalcino, in 1970 the estate was converted to 100% vineyard. Their goal, to create an elegant wine.  I’m going to tell you ahead of time that they have truly succeeded.

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Rosso di Montalcino Altesino 2011 DOCG – On the nose red raspberry, some butter, cassis, graphite, herbal, just slight eucalyptus.  In the mouth toasted bread, dried cherries, bitter cocoa.  For a Rosso really nice.  Served with fava beans and pecorino with slivers of wild boar bresaola as well as a third appetizer, a pancake pocket with Tuscan beans served over pureed spinach and slices of sausage.

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Brunello di Montalcino Altesino 2008 DOCG – On the nose toasted boysenberry , in the mouth blueberries, deep red fruit, bitter chocolate, and chalky.  This Brunello is aged for 5 years, 2.5 in oak, the rest in stainless steel and then the bottle.  Served with Tagliatelle pasta with a delicious meat ragu that was re-cooked in a saucepan.

Brunello di Montalcino Altesino Montosoli 2008 DOCG – A single vineyard Brunello.  On the nose dry fruits, bitter chocolate, and sage. In the mouth blue berries, herbaceous, very smooth.  Served with a mixed plate of breaded meats and artichokes.

Our hosts continued their rounds making sure to answer any questions and that everyone was happy with their wine.

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Tonight was a special night, it was Marco Molesini’s birthday!!!  And of course this is exactly how you would think a wine shop owner would celebrate his birthday…

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There was even a special cake for Marco, with a picture of a wine bottle on it, of course!

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Happy Birthday Marco!  And thanks for sharing all of the great wine!!!